

sweetie_small1 Gratitude [grat.i.tude]: Big time buzzword during spiritual awakening phase of planetary evolution, yet this is often misunderstood. And in today’s economic times, we tend to forget what we are grateful for. All we do is look at what we don’t have. I know it can be difficult to concentrate and focus on what is good in our life when it seems as if all that is happening to us is bad.

We have talked about the law of attraction and saying your “I am” statements. Well, when you think thoughts of “thanks”, it’s the same as thinking thoughts of having received. As is true of all thoughts on the plane of manifestation, they must immediately strive to manifest into your time-space life.

Yet the only way there can be a manifestation of such thoughts is if you do actually physically receive. And the only way you can actually physically receive is if all the players and circumstances of your life are literally shifted around and manipulated, without you or them even knowing what’s going on, so that you will be predisposed to the right ideas, hunches, connections and introductions that will deliver you smack into the middle of such manifestations.

Take some time to write your “I am” statements. If you have already done this, you’re awesome and on your way to receiving. (You might want to revise your list). Start off by writing, at the top of the page, “I am so happy and grateful now that…”, and then finish the sentance. Here are a few of mine:

I am so happy and grateful now that…
I am helping people become healthier and wealthier
I am a people and money magnet
I am attracting like-minded, business building people into my Max buisness every day.

Say your “I am” statements numerous times per day and say them with feeling and BELIEVING.

Take the focus off of what you don’t have (bigger house, expensive car, enough money, bad health, etc) and start focusing on what you are grateful for (food on the table, roof over your head, family, friends, your health, etc.) and what you want. Stop saying “I don’t have this”, or “I don’t have that”, or “I’ll never make a lot of money” or “I’ll never meet the man/woman of my dreams” or “I’m broke”. Everytime you say something negative you are manifesting that into your life. Is that what you want?

Start manifesting what you do want by saying your “I am” statements through out the day, and be grateful for what you do have. Remember, it’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s what you do about what happens to you.

Here’s another one “I am so happy and grateful now that money flows abundantly and frequently into my bank account every day”.

To Your Wealth…

Debbie James

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So many people would rather sit back and complain about their situation. Why not take control of your own destiny? The company I am involved with, Max International, in the first 17 months of business did $40 million in sales…and that was with 1 product!!! They are growing 15%-20% per month!!! And this is in a down economy.

A lot of “new” wealth is created, during down economies, by the Entrepreneurs who take action and follow their dreams. Some businesses don’t require thousands of dollars to get started. What if you could start your own business for only $49????? And NOT have overhead, inventory, employees? What if you could, work from home, spend more time with your family, have the potential to finally earn what you are worth, with NO income caps, and best of all, CREATE RESIDUAL INCOME??? What is holding you back?

A friend of mine showed me the blog below and it is soooo important…and right on the money.

The Cure To Our Economic Problems
Mark Cuban – Oct 23rd 2008 7:16PM

I would hate to be the winning Presidential candidate. Both candidates are delusional in thinking their economic policies will drag us out of a recession or even improve the economy. The reality is that the solutions offered by both are the equivalent of shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. They are meaningless.

You can cut taxes for 95pct of Americans and raise taxes for the rest. You can cut taxes for businesses and retain the Bush Tax Cuts. You can increase or decrease the capital gains tax 5 or 10pct either way. Under both programs the deficit for the country will increase, we will borrow and print more money. 5 or 10pct variance either way, given the big hole our economy is in wont matter.

The cure for what ails is us the Entrepreneurial Spirit of this country. We are a nation of people who encourage , support and invest in those of any and all age, race and gender who will use their ingenuity and come up with a new idea.

Its always the new idea that re energizes this country. Industry, manufacturing, transportation, technology, digital communications, etc, each changed how we lived and ignited our economy and standard of living. Tax policy has never done that. The American People have.

Entrepreneurs who create something out of nothing don’t care what tax rates are. Bill Gates didn’t monitor the marginal tax rate when he dropped out of Harvard and started MicroSoft (btw, it was a ton higher than it is today). Michael Dell didn’t wonder what the capital gains tax was when he started PC’s Limited, and then grew it into Dell Computer. I doubt that any great business or invention started with a discussion or even a consideration of what the current or projected income or capital gains tax was or would be.

The impact of tax rates on productivity and development is something economists salivate about, enterpreneurs don’t waste their time thinking about it. We have business to do.

Entrepreneurs live to be entrepreneurs. I have never had a discussion with anyone about starting a business that included tax rates. Ever. If anyone that wanted an investment from me made a point of discussing tax rates as an impact on their business, I wouldn’t invest in them. Ever.

Entrepreneurs live for the juice of making their dreams come true. Of having a vision and fighting to see it come true. The joy of mission accomplished and the scoreboard of the financial rewards.

We are in an economic mess right now. It doesn’t matter who caused it. It’s here. It doesn’t matter what our Presidential candidates and their economic advisors come up with. Its meaningless.

The cure to our economic problems is the Entrepreneurial Spirit of All Americans. Instead of complaining at each other, could one Presidential candidate please show even the least bit of leadership and character and stand up for and encourage the entrepreneurs in this country ?

i don’t care who is friends with whom, who preached when you went to church, whether you know the actual role of the Vice President, whether you voted with President Bush. I don’t care about any of the mudslinging going back and forth. All it does is waste the time of every potential voter. All of that is meaningless.

What we need is our candidates to stop yelling at each other and starting looking at the American people and encouraging the best of who we are. That is who I want to get behind. That is what I would like to see for our country. That is what will energize and motivate people to create companies and invent products that will turn the economy.

The best time for little guys to start a business is when the big guys are worrying about surviving in theirs. You don’t need to raise money. You need to be smart and be focused. I had no idea until this current financial crisis that when I started MicroSolutions, my first company, it was in the middle of a very bad recession. I had no idea whatsoever. I didnt know what the tax rates were, and I didnt care. I had an idea, a floor to sleep on and a lot of motivation.

Now is the time for Entrepreneurs to step up and do our part for our country. Its up to us to start businesses and create jobs. That is the cure to this country’s economic problems.


To Your Wealth…

Debbie James

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Times are touch, we all know that. What are you going to do about your financial situation? Everyday, thousands of people are losing their job and their benefits. Besides being an entrepreneur, I am a Realtor in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. I know times are tough. Sales this year are way down. That being said, I’m not sitting back and waiting, I am taking action.

To many Americans won’t take responsibility for their situation. Yes, some things are out of our control. But, other things are not. For instance, why do people need a bigger home, the newest car, the biggest TV? We did a lot of this to ourselves….all spending and no saving. I’m not saying it’s easy to save with the cost of everything always going up. What I am saying is that people just didn’t plan for a rainy day.

I go back to my question…what are you going to do about your financial situation? I decided to take the bull by the horns and get involved with an amazing referral marketing company. It has been proven that any time the economy is bad, network marketing skyrockets. Some of you think network marketing is vodoo. Why do you think that? Please comment and let me know!

With anything, one can always find the negative…what about all the positives? Tons of people are making a lot of money thru network marketing. You must look at the comp plan. I was involved with a company for a couple of years, and didn’t make a dime. That was my first experience with MLM and I didn’t know any better. Would you walk away from your small business if you made a mistake? No, you would brush yourself off, correct the mistake and move on.

My good friend and mentor says: Before you put your reputation on the line with a company, make sure you’re not dealing with a pyramid ‘get rich quick’ scheme.  Do your homework- read FTC guidelines. See what happened to BurnLounge and its distributors. Ask yourself the question, “Would I buy this product/service if it weren’t associated with a money-making opportunity?”  These are tough times, and easy money sounds great. But there are legitimate opportunities out there”.

You can prosper thru these very challenging times, if you want to. Live your life to the Max!

To Your Wealth!

Debbie James

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Now, more than ever, what is your plan “B”? These economic times we are living in are scary. (It is said the worst economic times since the Great Depression!!!) Did you know that Corporations borrow money to make payroll? Yes, they do! With this credit crunch, it effects companies, small, medium and large. Small businesses can’t get the loans they need to carry them thru slower times, employees can’t get paid, home buyer’s can’t close on their home since the bank doesn’t have the funds, people can’t buy cars with a 700+++ credit score because the banks don’t have the money to lend!

While somethings are out of our control….your finances are in your control. Take action, do something. Don’t just complain about how bad the economy is. Make something happen. You can do it! Have you seen the movie The Secret”? You are exactly where you are in life, because YOU attracted everything into your life.

Now, that might be tough to swallow…but I’m here to tell you, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT THE STATUS QUO! Too many people would rather sit back and complain or blame someone else. So much easier than taking responsibility. Don’t be left behind. EVERYONE IS LOOKING TO EARN ADDITIONAL INCOME!

Check out this INCREDIBLE opportunity! Lose weight, have more energy and make money, all at the same time! Join TODAY, and Live Your Life to the Max.

See you at the top!

Debbie James

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To MLM or Not to MLM?

As they say “timing is everything in life”. If you are thinking about joining a network marketing company, do your research. I totally agree with Cuyler, in the following article, when he mentions to find a company that has NOT been around forever. Just because someone hasn’t heard of a company, doesn’t mean it’s bad. I am involved with two (2), yes 2, incredible companies. Each one only has about 100,000 Associates! Talk about room to grow! My husband and I were in Amway for 2 years back in 2000. Great company, great products (I still buy the soaps), but it wasn’t the right opportunity for us.

Why is it, when a person gets involved with a company, doesn’t make money, then says MLM doesn’t work, or you can’t make money. SO NOT TRUE! I friend of mine, whom is also my MLM mentor, has been in this industry for 13+ years. She has made $100,000++ in 2, yes 2, different companies. Why do you think she is my mentor? You need the right company with the right product, with the right mentor.

Here’s a great article:

MLM Keeps Getting the Rap
By Cuyler D Callahan

I’ve ran into Multi Level Marketing (MLM) programs before. Everybody has. They always seem so convincing until you tell you’re best friend down the road about it. Then you almost get a headache after “pyramid scheme” is tossed around like cannon balls during Gettysburg.

Have you often wondered why MLM programs are still around. Like really, you’d think a scam would die down after it’s been punished for 10 years. Looking at evolution, the weak animals died out a long time ago, leaving the stronger of which you see to day. Business follows the same rules, no matter what anybody tells you.

Obviously it mean something. I’ll tell you what it means. MLM companies are learning from their mistakes. They have grown wiser as their customers have grown wiser. They have learned what is needed to make a MLM company work. Do you know what that is?

It means they need to do more work for you, rather then leaving 10,000 bottles of Gerry Berry’s Blueberry Blast on your doorstep, expecting you to sell it before it’s 5 month expiry date lapses.

The qualities of a good MLM program have emerged, and those that know where to look can actually find MLM programs that work, and work well. Programs that reward everyone for their work, not just those at the top.

Qualities of a good MLM program include:

-A product that actually sells like water in a desert- Finding these are hard, but a must if you’re to make it.

-You don’t sell the product, the company does. All you have to do is send people to a video on the net, or bring them to a meeting.

-A structured program that sets a cap on the success of those at the top. It’s very unfair when the guys at the top only need to get a few hundred people which then bring people and they bring people then the person at the top get commissions on it all. No, a 5 generation cap is best. That means that you still need to continue to bring people to make money.

-A good support team with lots of information. A website full of products that will help you get people to the videos or meeting where the selling is done.

– And a new program. Don’t jump into some program that his been around a while. Chances are you’re fighting over leftovers after the industry has been swamped. The MLM Program has to be relatively new and the industry has to be new. Best is when the MLM program created a new niche in an industry, or a new industry itself. That means there is zero competition from other MLM companies. Jump in while it’s fresh.

These tips are essential if you are to make it in an MLM program. Don’t just skimp of MLM programs thinking they are all schemes. People ARE making money on these programs or they would have died out a long time ago.

The old “Pyramid Schemes” died out, but a new species of Multi Level Marketing has arisen, and most include these qualities. Jump on the boat before it gone, and start making some money on an MLM.

Cuyler Callahan is an internet marketer who loves making his living on the net. More time for family, more time for fun, more time for everything he loves to do. If you would like to learn how to make you’re living on the net, click here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cuyler_D_Callahan

What’s your story? Let me know your thoughts…

Debbie James

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What’s Your Plan “B”?

What would you do if you lost your job tomorrow? Are you relying on Corporate America for your retirement? Are you doing anything to earn extra income (outside of your primary job)?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you should think about a plan “B”. I’ve been there, done that! I never had a plan “B” when I worked in Corporate America. Sure wish I had. I wouldn’t have been so stressed when I got fired from my last job. Funny how you can be the top sales person in the company, win a sales contest and land Chick-Fil-A as an account and still get fired??!! Let’s just say I didn’t “brown nose” the VP and had no respect for him.

Now as a Realtor, I must have a plan “B”. I love what I do and yet during the recent ups and downs of the market, I need something, too. I believe I have found the most incredible product, company and opportunity! Not only am I able to help so many others, it is it helping me, too!!! Check it out… Live Your Life to the Max

To Your Success…

Debbie James

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Do You Believe?

Where do you want to be in 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years? Do you have your goals in writing? And do you believe you can achieve these goals. Break up the time frames into “bit size” pieces. You want to stretch yourself and yet you don’t want to never reach your goals, either.

If you don’t believe, why don’t you? Is it because someone has told you that you can’t do something, that you will never amount to anything, your too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, etc.  What is in your heart?

When I was only 9 years old, my dad passed away. Shortly after that, I started to ride horses. My uncle bought me my first lesson and the rest was history. When I was 11, my mom and soon to be step-dad, bought me my first pony. As time went on and I got more and more competitive and my dream was to qualify and ride in Madison Square Garden. (That is “the place to ride”…kind of like the Superbowl for football). My parents NEVER believed it would happen. They didn’t stop me from trying and when I would tell them my dream, they would just say “that’s nice”. My mom would tell me that I could do whatever I put my mind to. At the age of 16, I did qualify and ride in Madison Square Garden (NYC). What a dream come true.

As a child, we really don’t know any better than to believe. It’s child like faith. Children don’t know or understand whether they can or can’t do something, unless an adult tells them they can or can’t. Kids are like sponges, they absorb and understand much more than adults give them credit for. They don’t have any preconceived notions. It is the parent’s responsibility to teach their kids right from wrong. Where to they get the right, though, to discourage their child from achieving their goals and dreams? I have been around many kids where the parents are so supportive and encouraging. It is truly amazing how children respond to that kind of positive reinforcement. Somewhere along the way, as we get older, we seem to lose our child like faith. Why?

We fall into everyday routines. We go to school, college, graduate and get a J.O.B. with a B.O.S.S. We go to work for someone else, live our live on a 5 day work week and never seem to make enough to get ahead. Sound familiar? As Robert Kiyosaki describes in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, we are in a rat race…just going thru the maze of life trying to get ahead financially and win the race.

Let’s change that thought process.

Until next time…

To Your Success.

Debbie James
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

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Abundant Wealth is also about attracting anything and everything into your life, whether good or bad. Wealth means different things to different people. You can have incredible relationships, fabulous family life, love your job and not have a lot of money and still be wealthy. Not everyone is money motivated. And living a wealthy life is not just about the money, it’s about the “whole” package.

So, what are you doing to attract and manifest what you want in your life? Here’s a great example…the other day I said to my husband “You should call Mark Anthony.” Mark is a business aquaintance <!– /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:””; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} –>
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of ours who we have not spoken with in over 2 years. We have some business stuff going on which Mark can help us grow. Friday night my husband gets a voice mail from Mark saying I was going thru some stuff and just happened to come across your number!!! You see, I put it out there to The Universe.

Here’s another example: I had a rental property in Atlanta where I had to evict the tenant for non-payment. She lived there for 3 years and totally trashed the home. Cost me lots of money to get the home in the condition where I could sell it. This was last summer. Most of you know what is going on in Real Estate, or should I say not going on. Took a few months and by October 2007 it was ready to be listed. Got it listed and right after that I said “I am so happy and grateful now that I sold Westover.” (Westover was the name of the street the home was on.) I said it every day, multiple times per day. Here is the key…I said it with feeling and a belief that I had already sold the home. There were no doubts in my mind that it would sell. I put it out to The Universe and believed. On February 19, 2008 I sold the home. No one could believe it sold that quickly. Everyone would ask “How did you sell your home in such a bad market.” My answer was always “I believed it would sell.”

Imagine if everyday I woke up and said “My home on Westover Lane is never going to sell.” What kind of message does that put out? If you want to meet the man of your dreams and all you ever say is “I’m never going to meet anyone” what do you think you will get? Or if you say “I’m broke,” I will never make money in my job.” What do you think The Universe (or the genie in the bottle says) “Your wish is my command.”

Think about what you say and how you say it, and watch your life change. It won’t happen overnight and it will feel strange at first…you must believe. In my previous post I have a poem about Change…

To Your Success,

Debbie James
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

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When it comes to thinking or believing or doing, which way do you go…with the heard of “sheep” or do you go with your gut, regardless of what others say or think? Do you do what everyone else does? Do you think the way everyone else thinks? Do you believe that the only way to earn a living is to have a J.O.B. with a B.O.S.S.? Do you believe someone when they tell you you can’t do something?

With the exception of someone telling me I couldn’t do something, I was that person. Upon graduating college in1987, I worked in Corporate America until 2003. I didn’t know any better….until 2000 when I got involved with a network marketing company, Quixtar. What an education. To think I didn’t have to work for someone for the rest of my life. There is NO job security anymore.  The only person you can rely upon is yourself.

While Quixtar was not the opportunity I was looking for, it’s a great company. It opened my eyes to residual income, which is passive income. Think about what it would feel like to wake up with more money in your bank account than when you went to sleep!

Here is a poem my Mom gave me many years ago. I still have it on my refrigerator:

If you always think what you’ve always thought,
Then you will always feel what you’ve always felt,
Then you will always do what you’ve always done.
If you always do what you’ve always done,
Then you will always get what you’ve always gotten.
If you always get what you’ve always gotten,
Then you will always think what you’ve always thought.
Author Unknown

Are you where you want to be financially? Do you have the type of relationships you want? Are you happy with where you are in life?

If you have answered no to any of these questions and others, maybe it’s time for a CHANGE.

Debbie James
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

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The state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material goods and money. “

While it is said that “money won’t make you happy”, my friend Steve says “Yes it does!”….and I have to agree with him! 🙂 What money does though, is give you freedom and choices. (If you think money will make you happy, think again).  Why do some people have a lot of money and others don’t? Stay tuned for more…

What is your definition of wealth? What are your long-term goals? Do you have a 5 year plan? Do you have “I am” statements??? Do you know what an “I am” statement is? If not, stay tuned…

I’m excited to share my thoughts on this blog about attracting what you want into your life. Napolean Hill said “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it ALWAYS achieves.” Henry Ford said “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, either way, you’re right. What you think about you bring about. That is “The Law of Attraction”…the secret to “The Secret”. What do you believe?

Any questions, please contact me. Drop me an email and let me know what questions you have.

To your success.

Debbie James

“Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”

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